Enid BK Samuels
Consultant | Sleep Trainer | Maternity Nurse

About me
I'm a maternity consultant based in London who is passionate about empowering parents with the skills and knowledge they need to care for their babies. Raising a newborn can be both exhilarating and daunting at the same time, especially for first-time parents. I'm eager to help set parents up for success by sharing my wealth of knowledge on topics such as breast-and bottle-feeding; establishing a consistent nap and bedtime routine; careful sleep training; winding your baby effectively; managing colic and reflux; and more. I'm available for video and in-person consultations.
I've been working as a maternity nurse for more than two decades, helping parents from London to Geneva care for their babies from day one. As a mother of four, I understand the challenges of life with a newborn. After the birth of my second child, I developed a passion for childcare, so I left my job in hospitality to become a full-time maternity nurse. I'm dedicated to helping new parents build confidence during the first few months after the birth of their baby.
Since 1996, I've looked after thousands of babies including two sets of quadruplets. I specialise in twins and triplets, effective breast and bottle-feeding and winding techniques, babies with reflux and sleep training. From the moment I start with your family, I ensure that your newborns are properly winded, well fed and sleeping in their cot, not on you!
There's a common misconception that some babies do not need to be burped. I believe that a lack of effective winding from day one is the leading cause of poor sleeping habits and excessive crying. Babies who are not properly burped develop trapped wind that builds up over time, causing abdominal pain. My goal is to equip every parent with the skills they need to help their little ones get off to a good start.
I was born in Uganda, where young girls are encouraged to help their relatives care for their babies. I remember being aged 9, playing with my aunties' babies and even putting them on my shoulder and patting them on the back! That love and passion for babies stays with me today.

Me and my children in 1998
Since 1996, I've looked after thousands of babies

Client reviews
Enid was our maternity nurse for 10 days when our baby was 8 weeks old. She is one of the most impressive, meticulous and compassionate people I have ever met, let alone a brilliant and highly talented maternity nurse. She is utterly dedicated to her craft—a perfectionist when it comes to winding, settling and caring for babies.
Using a gentle massaging technique, Enid could detect and get rid of our baby's trapped wind, which prevented her from sleeping and settling properly. When it came to bathing, she was a true professional: whether it was warming the bath towel and babygros on the radiator or using a warm flannel on our baby's tummy, Enid was full of handy tricks. And let's not forget her innovative bottle-feeding technique: our baby was in total control of her feeds. You can tell that Enid adores babies. She bonded so well with our little one, singing to her, cuddling her and calming her down whenever she cried.
Most importantly, Enid gave me the moral and emotional support I needed to get through the day. We are utterly grateful for her help and will thoroughly miss her!
—Denise, London, 2018
I am happy to advise that Enid has been an exceptional nurse to our twin girls who she has looked after since we left hospital on 14/09/18. They were pre term babies born at 35 weeks and the support and professionalism has been outstanding. I have absolutely no issue in recommending her and we are very sad not to have her stay with us longer.
She understands the babies needs and works with them to provide the parents with the highest support to ensure that the babies are healthy, sleep well, are feeding well and ensuring steady growth.
She is also able to answer any questions with regards to the parents, breastfeeding , nursing or anything related. She gave us full support at all times. She has taught us so many things as first time parents and couldn’t recommend her highly enough.
—Meriam, London, 2018
We started to work with Enid the day we left the hospital and she stayed with us for 4 months.
Enid was a great help. She put our twins on a routine, enabling them to sleep from 6pm to 7am with just one dream feed at 10pm. She was more than caring with our babies. I could say she has so much love for the babies and for her work, which she does so seriously. Our babies love her so much.
I also really appreciated that we could ask her advices or help during her free time. She always told me,” when you need me for the babies, I will be there anytime.” I thank her for that a lot. As a first time mother, I felt safe having her around .
Enid creates a very safe and healthy environment around the babies, trying to teach our friends and family how to wash their hands before touching new-borns. It could be surprising for some people first but seriously we were so happy with that because our babies caught their first cold only at more than 3 months.
Having Enid at our home allow us to rest at night and enjoy our babies the fullest during the day! It was priceless and it helped me to recover well from Childbirth.
—Juliette, Geneva, 2017
Enid enjoys teaching and she passed on her tremendous experience in taking care of many newborns, particularly twins and even triplets (she also has four grown-up children of her own). As first time parents, her experience and confidence was invaluable to us. The very first moment when Enid held my little daughter, just a few days old, it was obvious that she was in safe hands and that Enid knew exactly what she was doing.
Enid helped us to go through tough periods of reflux and winding. Although Enid was a great teacher, she was also open-minded when, on rare occasions, we wanted to try things a bit differently. In fact, she often said: “mums are always right” and encouraged me to go with my intuition. Moreover, Enid was very well organized and she made sure my kitchen was always left spotless. She also worked well alongside other household staff and was easy to integrate into our family.
—Susanne, Geneva, 2017
Enid arrived the day I returned home from my caesarean section – she had kept in touch with me in the months before and had kept her diary clear in the weeks before the birth in case the twins came early. She was fantastic from day one. She confidently handled the twins, gave me (and the twins nanny) tips on how to deal with them and crucially, very quickly put them in a routine.
By thirteen weeks they were sleeping from 11.30pm to 6 am. All of this was done whilst showering the twins with considerable affection and with a huge smile on her face. For the majority of time Enid was here I slept through the night; no one could believe I had just had twins. Enid went over and above what was expected staying here for six nights a week for most of the time.
—Farrah, Geneva, 2017
How I feed twins

Get in touch
Enid BK Samuels
Contact me if you are interested in guidance on:
Breast and bottle-feeding
Winding techniques
Managing colic, reflux and inconsolable crying
Sleep training, trouble-shooting and establishing good sleep habits
Transitioning babies from Moses basket or Sleepyhead to cot
Setting up a consistent and bedtime routine
Bathing your baby safely and thoroughly
Weaning your baby
Caring for twins and triplets
Managing and preventing mastitis
I'm available for Zoom consultations, short-term contracts and at-home visits. Fees are available by email. Please get in touch for more details.